Utah Direct Program | Admissions - The University of Utah
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Utah Direct Program

What is Utah Direct?

Utah Direct is a college access initiative designed to increase college-going rates among Utah high school graduates. The University of Utah has partnered with four pilot school districts (Davis, Canyons, Granite, and Provo) to send letters of encouragement to students who are likely to excel in college, offering congratulations on their academic achievements and an invitation to research their college options. By the beginning of their senior year, students in this program who have met certain criteria are offered a guarantee of admission to the U.

How the Utah Direct Program Works

Students attending school in the four Utah Direct districts receive letters providing information and encouragement on their educational progress from 9th grade to 12th grade. Students in 9th and 10th grades receive letters in the Fall. Students in 11th grade receive letters in both Fall and Spring semesters, and 12th grade students receive letters at the beginning of their senior year.

What are the benefits of Utah Direct?

Students who receive a guarantee of admission can start their senior year secure in the knowledge that there’s a place for them at the state’s flagship university.

Utah Direct students, whether or not they are guaranteed admission, have the opportunity to receive an admissions decision in the fall semester. The sooner a Utah Direct student applies, the sooner they can receive their decision.

Who is eligible to participate in Utah Direct?

Currently, only students in the four participating pilot school districts are eligible: Davis, Canyons, Granite, and Provo.

Students who receive Utah Direct letters have taken a full load of core academic courses and have earned strong grades in all high school classes. Additionally, students who have maintained a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 will receive an offer of guaranteed admission.

Please note:

The Utah Direct program only guarantees students admission to the university and does not guarantee admission to majors that require additional academic work, auditions, or specialized applications. Some selective programs at the U may require additional application materials beyond what students provide in the Utah Direct application.

For more information

For more information about this program, reach out to the Office of Admissions: