Prior Learning Credit
Prior Learning Credit Information
Prior learning credit allows you to save time and money by earning college credit for what you already know. Keep reading to learn how to demonstrate your expertise and get a head start on your degree.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit
At this time, all approved CLEP exams will earn a minimum of 3 credit hours.

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit
Students who achieved scores of 3, 4, or 5 in an Advanced Placement (AP) examination in high school may be awarded university credit.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit
Students enrolled at the University of Utah who received a qualifying score determined by the Utah System of Higher Education on International Baccalaureate (IB) exams could be awarded university credit.

Language Proficiency Credit
Students who are fluent in a foreign language and have never taken a lower-level class in that language are usually eligible to purchase lower division credit hours.

Challenge a Course for Credit
Students may challenge a University course by taking the final examination in order to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the course material without attending the class or completing the coursework.

Credit for U.S. Military Training
Students who served at least 181 cumulative days of U.S. active duty military services and were honorably discharged or are currently on active duty are eligible to receive lower-division hours of graduation credit for basic training.

Dantes Subject Standardized Test (DSST) Credit
Students who receive scores of 400 or higher on approved DSST exams may be awarded semester hours per exam.

A and AS Level Exam Credit
Students who receive grades from A-E on Advanced Subsidiary (AS) or Advanced (A) level exams may be awarded semester hours per exam.

Portfolio-Based Assessment of Prior Learning
Portfolio-based assessment of Prior Learning allows you to earn college credit for a course by demonstrating sufficient knowledge of the course material gained through experience. Credit may be awarded for verifiable learning gained and learning outcomes met through experience – not for the experience itself.

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