Portfolio-Based Assessment of Prior Learning
Portfolio-based assessment of Prior Learning allows you to earn college credit for a course by demonstrating sufficient knowledge of the course material gained through experience. Credit may be awarded for verifiable learning gained and learning outcomes met through experience – not for the experience itself.
If you are interested in requesting credit for a course based on a Portfolio Assessment, here’s what you need to know:
- Portfolio Assessment is a rigorous process by which a student documents they have acquired college-level learning from their non-college experiences: things that didn’t necessarily happen in a classroom setting. A portfolio is a collection of materials that provides evidence of that learning.
- If you would like to explore the option of a Portfolio Assessment for credit for prior learning, you should meet with an advisor to discuss process and implications.
- After working with an advisor to determine if Portfolio Assessment is something you would like to pursue, you should work to gather materials to provide evidence of meeting the learning outcomes of the specific course you are seeking credit for.
- The materials you submit as part of a portfolio review will vary depending on the course you are seeking credit for and the learning outcomes of that course. Remember that faculty members are looking for evidence of learning, not simply evidence of experience. Focus on the skills and knowledge obtained from an experience.
- Credit will be awarded based on a review from qualified teaching faculty from the department for the course that you are requesting credit for.
- Credit will not be awarded if the requested course for review is duplicated by any previous course work or exams taken, or if you have earned higher-level course credit of similar content. No duplicate credit should be awarded for the same experience.
Procedure to Obtain Credit by Portfolio Assessment
- Send an email to credit-for-prior-learning@utah.edu to start the process and discuss if Portfolio Assessment is the best fit for your experience.
- Meet with your advisor. Your advisor will review if you are able to request credit by portfolio assessment for the course you are interested in. Credit by Portfolio Assessment shall not be granted for:
- any course previously completed for which a quality letter grade has been assigned, unless the course is designated as “repeatable”
- any course from which the student withdrew
- any course completed under any grading basis
- any course credit completed by transfer or at a previous degree-granting institution
- any course taken via curriculum in K-12 work
- via credit earned by external exam or military experience,
- nor can the student then enroll for credit in a course for which credit already has been granted via Credit by Portfolio Assessment
- If it is determined that you are eligible and interested in moving forward with a Credit by Portfolio Review, your advisor will help you locate the Credit for Portfolio Review form and direct you to the appropriate department contact who will facilitate your Portfolio Assessment.
- Complete the Credit for Portfolio Review form and include on the form the departmental designee who will conduct the Portfolio Assessment.
- Bring your form and pay $50.00 for each petition at the cashier’s window in Room 150 in the Student Services Building.
- Gather the materials you would like to submit to provide evidence of meeting the learning outcomes for the course you are requesting credit for. The materials you submit will vary depending on the course and department you are requesting credit from. After you have finalized your portfolio materials, you will submit your portfolio, Credit for Portfolio Review form, and receipt to the faculty member who will conduct the Portfolio Assessment.
- Once the Portfolio Assessment is completed by the faculty member, they will inform you whether you will be awarded credit. They will then send your Credit for Portfolio Review form to the Office of the Registrar.
- Credit will be posted by the Office of the Registrar.
- The transcript will reflect the University of Utah course for which the equivalency has been determined, a grade or CR, and a notation indicating the course credit was attained via Portfolio Assessment.
As you consider requesting credit based on a Portfolio Assessment, it may be helpful to reflect on these questions:
- Can I demonstrate that I possess correct knowledge from my past experiences?
- Can I differentiate what I have learned from the experience and align it with the course learning outcomes?
- Do I have documentation to support my learning such as: a completed project, software code, work examples, publications, etc.?
- Can I demonstrate my learning through a presentation or performance to show evidence of meeting course learning outcomes?
- Are there people who may be able to provide a reference letter to help provide evidence of my learning?
- Have I learned progressively more advanced or complex processes in my job, travel, or volunteer work?
To find the Credit for Portfolio Review form and get started, please visit Prior Learning Credit on the Navigate Hub site.
If you have any questions, please reach out to credit-for-prior-learning@utah.edu.